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AAA Diamond designated.  Powerful words that convey – Credibility, Respect & Trust.

When your establishment is AAA Diamond designated, you have the endorsement of knowing you have what it takes to meet AAA’s rigorous standards and members’ key expectations.

Plus, you’ll have the competitive advantage of knowing you have a direct connection to more than 60 million AAA/CAA members across the United States and Canada who trust AAA to guide their travel decisions.

APPLYING FOR AAA designation

Below are step-by-step instructions on how to start the process for requesting AAA Diamond consideration. Read our Applications FAQ for additional helpful information about the application process.

Already AAA Diamond designated? No need to reapply for inspection… your establishment is automatically set up for future evaluations on a recurring basis. Visit Inspections and check out our Inspections FAQ page for more information.

Step 1

Review the AAA Diamond Program Requirements for your establishment’s category — hotel, restaurant, attraction or campground — to verify that you meet all of the requirements:

Step 2:

Submit your completed inspection application, along with any requested materials:

Step 3:

Applicants must prepay a nonrefundable application processing fee. The fee helps offset the costs of validating property information; it does not guarantee an inspection or influence the outcome. Exception: The fee is waived for first-time applicants from AAA Preferred Hotel Partner properties (see list).

Step 4:

If selected for AAA Diamond consideration, an evaluation will typically occur within six months of the application acceptance date, but in some instances may take up to one year.

AAA Inspection Application Customer Support: